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Nuestro liderazgo

Proven leadership, driving breakthrough innovation


Our leadership uses their wealth of expertise and experience to guide Fortrea. Their passion for quality and excellence instills a culture focused on helping sponsors bring treatments to patients

Meet the experts

Tom Pike

Presidente y Director Ejecutivo

Jill McConnell

Jefe del Departamento Financiero

Mark Morais

Director Operativo y Presidente, Desarrollo Clínico

Oren Cohen, MD

Director Médico y Presidente, Farmacología Clínica

Sandy Kennedy

Directora de Calidad, Asuntos Reglamentarios y Sostenibilidad

Drayton Virkler

Presidente y Director Comercial

John Doyle, DrPH

President, Consulting

Alejandro Martinez-Galindo

Director de Servicios Informativos

David Cooper

Director Administrativo

J. Stillman Hanson

Asesor Jurídico

Georgina Strickland

Jefa de Personal, directora de Estrategia